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с македонского на английский

take charge of

  • 1 charge

    n. обвинение;
    2. товар;
    3. управување, одговорност, обврски;
    4. грижа, чување, надзор; to be in charge - гледа, се грижи (за некого of)
    2. управува (со нешто of); to take charge - внимава (на некого of); to give in charge - става под надзор (некого of);
    5. цена, вредност, трошоци, издатоци
    adj. his own charge - на негов личен рачун; additional charges - дополнителни издатоци;
    6. (војно) напад, знак за напад
    v. обвинува, поднесува тужба (with);
    2. доверува, дава задача (нешто with);
    3. прави одговорен (некого, за with);
    4. става на (нечија) сметка;
    5. одредува цена, наложува, заповеда, наметнува данок, товари, моли (за нешто for); how much do you charge for? - колку е? колку чини?;
    6. полни (оружје);
    7. (војно) јуриша; бреме; наплатува; пресметува; трошоци; обвинува, окривува; одговорност; гри'а, штитеник charge duty on пресметува царина за

    English-Macedonian dictionary > charge

См. также в других словарях:

  • Take Charge — is a government program that provides free family planning and pregnancy prevention services to low income residents of Washington State. [ [http://fortress.wa.gov/dshs/maa/FamilyPlan/Take%20Charge/TC.index.htm Take Charge ] ] The program expands …   Wikipedia

  • take charge (of) — phrase to take control and become responsible for someone or something It was a great relief when Heather arrived and took charge of the project. Thesaurus: to take charge, or to try to take chargesynonym to be responsible for somethingsynonym… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take charge — (of sth) ► to take control of something or of a group of people: »His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. Main Entry: ↑charge …   Financial and business terms

  • take charge of — take charge (of (something)) to do something to control a situation or organization. Germany, Switzerland, and France still have the best teams, and they will take charge of these games. When the union needed someone to clean up its finances, I… …   New idioms dictionary

  • take charge — (of (something)) to do something to control a situation or organization. Germany, Switzerland, and France still have the best teams, and they will take charge of these games. When the union needed someone to clean up its finances, I took charge… …   New idioms dictionary

  • take charge of — To assume the care or control of • • • Main Entry: ↑charge …   Useful english dictionary

  • take charge — index assume (undertake), command, govern, preside, takeover, usurp Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • take charge of — index arrest (apprehend), conduct, maintain (sustain), manage, moderate (preside over), opera …   Law dictionary

  • take-charge — [tāk′chärj′] adj. Informal responsible, authoritative, and forceful …   English World dictionary

  • take charge — verb assume control (Freq. 4) • Syn: ↑take hold, ↑take control • Hypernyms: ↑head, ↑lead • Hyponyms: ↑move in on …   Useful english dictionary

  • take-charge — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from the phrase take charge : having the qualities of a forceful leader a take charge guy who never let anyone else make a decision A.H.Raskin * * * /tayk chahrj /, adj. able or seemingly able to take charge: She… …   Useful english dictionary

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